Emrah Kırdök

Emrah Kırdök

Assistant Professor

Mersin University, Faculty of Science
Department of Biotechnology
33343 Mersin Turkey

Email: emrahkirdok@gmail.com

Publications: [Papers in Google Scholar]
ResearchGate: [ResearchGate Page]

Research Description

My current research focus is to understand human history through ancient DNA (aDNA). Generally, a little proportion of aDNA sequences could be mapped to its host reference genome. The remaining fragments come either from the microbiome of the ancient host or the environment that encapsulates the host.

I analyze the remaining aDNA sequences with the state-of-the-art metagenomic methods to (i) construct the microbiome composition of ancient humans, (ii) reconstruct the ancient pathogenic genomes, (iii) understand the evolutionary mechanisms of the ancient pathogens. In parallel with my main research, I also study the population demographics of the Mesolithic Scandinavian populations to support my research field