The Centre for Palaeogenetics (CPG) is a joint venture between Stockholm University and the Swedish Museum of Natural History. The overall objective of the centre is to bring researchers from different disciplines, such as biology, archaeology and geology, together into a state-of-the-art research environment dedicated to ancient DNA analyses.
CPG is located in the Arrhenius buildings on the Frescati Campus (see map below). It has a capacity for approximately 40 researchers and students, plus 12 guest researchers, as well as meeting and seminar rooms. The laboratories comprise ca 250 square metres, and are fully equipped for DNA analyses on ancient, historical as well as modern samples.
CPG has a flat management structure where the research leaders, comprising all principal investigators, jointly run the day-to-day operations. In addition, a steering committee, comprising senior researchers at the university and the museum, oversees the work and contributes to strategic decisions.
Staff at CPG are employed at the Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, the Department of Zoology, and the Department of Geosciences at Stockholm University, as well as the Department of Bioinformatics and Genetics at the Swedish Museum of Natural History.
Click here for a list of all papers published by staff at CPG
Visiting address
Centre for Palaeogenetics
Svante Arrhenius väg 20C
SE-106 91 Stockholm
Postal address (letters & courier packages)*
Stockholm University
Centre for Palaeogenetics
Frescativägen 8
SE-106 91 Stockholm
*) For modern and post-PCR samples, please also add "Modern / Post-PCR Lab" as a separate line in the address.

Location of CPG at Stockholm University Campus.