Dr Yvonne Chan

Marie Curie Fellow

Publications: [Papers in Google Scholar]


I am interested in using modern and ancient DNA to infer demographic history of populations and communities.  Much of my research focuses on reconstructing historical demography of populations in response to environmental change, as well as developing applications of Approximate Bayesian Computation to ancient DNA and community population genetics. In particular, I am interested in:

- Genetic and demographic response to climatic change and human impacts on millennial timescales

- Bioinformatic and coalescent modeling of population histories using Approximate Bayesian Computation and Ancient DNA


Stanford University, Department of Biological Sciences 2007
Ph.D., Advisor: Dr. Elizabeth Hadly
University of British Columbia, Centre for Applied Conservation Biology 2000
M.S., Advisor: Dr. Peter Arcese
Pomona College, Biology 1995
B.A., Senior Experimental Thesis Advisor: Dr. Rachel Levin

Academic Positions

2014 - present Marie Curie Incoming International Fellow, Stockholm Museum of Natural History, Stockholm Sweden
2013 Grant Writer, Office of the Chancellor, University of Hawaii
2011 – 2013 Lecturer, Honors Program and Department of Biology, University of Hawaii
2012 Assistant Specialist, Pacific Biosciences Research Center, University of Hawaii
2009 – 2011 Postdoctoral Researcher, Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, University of Hawaii
2007 – 2009 Postdoctoral Researcher, NSF Hawaii EPSCoR, University of Hawaii

Grants, Fellowships and Awards

2012 National Science Foundation, Division of Ocean Sciences – Award 1260169: $665,062 –Coauthor - Multispecies connectivity: Comparative analysis of marine connectivity and its drivers for the coral reefs of Hawaii, PI’S – R. Toonen, B. Bowen. I wrote the Coalescent Modeling and hierarchical Approximate Bayesian Computation portion of the grant. Received postdoctoral funding for 1.5 years
2011 European Union, Marie Curie Incoming International Fellowship – FP7-PEOPLE-2011-IIF: 241042,40€ ($298,651), Looking to the past to predict the future: the evolution of biodiversity through climate change and the rise of human society, Advisor: Love Dalen
2009 NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program Grant – NA09NMF4630123: $46,252, How many have been lost? Using Ancient DNA to develop baselines for coral reef conservation and management, PI’s of record R. Toonen, D. Carlon, T. Hunt (see letters of support) – University of Hawaii does not allow postdocs to be PI’s. I conceived, designed, and wrote the grant, and initiated, set up the ancient DNA lab, and coordinated the collaboration between the PI’s.
2007 Hawaii EPSCoR Research Enhancement Activities Project: $21,000, An evolutionary perspective on gene expression: a collaboration between EPSCoR post-doctoral researchers.
Co- PI’s Y. Chan and M. Fisher
2007 Frances Lou Kallman Award, Stanford University – The only award in the Department of Biological Sciences for research, teaching, and coursework. Awarded to a female graduate student in recognition of special excellence.
2003 EPA Science to Achieve Results Fellowship - FP916401: $111,000, Why isn’t Ctenomys sociabilis extinct? Lessons from an endemic species about response, to climatic change
2003, 2004, 2005: Center for Evolutionary Studies Award, Stanford University: $3000
1999 Frank M. Chapman Grant, American Museum of Natural History: $800
1998 WARF Fellowship. University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI