Kelsey N Moreland

PhD Student

Centre for Palaeogenetics
Svante Arrhenius väg 20C
SE-106 91 Stockholm


Organisation: Department of Zoology, Stockholm University

Publications:  [Papers in Google Scholar]

Research Description

My general research interests focus on unraveling the consequences of natural and anthropogenic pressures on individual species and their ecological communities using genomic approaches. During my PhD at CPG, I will explore the evolutionary genomics of the woolly mammoth throughout its whole history, from speciation to extinction, through the use of mitochondrial and whole genome sequencing. In the context of my PhD, I plan to help elucidate the complex history of a species, how it adapts, and ultimately, how it becomes extinct.

Brief CV:
Current, PhD student in Population Genetics, Stockholm University, Sweden

October 2022, MSc in Archaeo- and Paleogenetics, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Germany

May 2020, BSc in Genetics and Genomics, University of Texas at Austin, USA with a minor in Nonprofit Organizations (Science Outreach and Communication)