Postdoctoral Researcher
Centre for Palaeogenetics
Svante Arrhenius väg 20C
SE-106 91 Stockholm
Publications: [Papers in Google Scholar]
ResearchGate: [ResearchGate Page]
Organisation: Department of Zoology, Stockholm University
Current Research
My main research interest is how genetic variation has shaped evolution, ranging from its implication in animal populations to disease risk in man. During my PhD, I worked with large-scale genomic datasets to investigate the role of common and rare genetic variants in inflammatory traits and diseases, such as asthma and rheumatic diseases. Acquiring a lot of experience in genomic sequence annotation and prediction of mutational deletieriousness, I will focus my post doctoral research toward creating a sequence annotation model that can score variants and quantify mutational load. Besides developing the model, my main goal will be to apply it to current endangered species such as the arctic fox, and later also already extinct species, such as the woolly mammoth. I will work jointly with Dr Mirte Bosse at Wageningen University and Research.
Brief CV
2012 – 2015 BSc in Biology, Lund University, Sweden
2015 – 2017 MSc in Biology, Lund University, Sweden
2015 – 2017 MSc in Bioinformatics, Lund University, Sweden
2018 – 2022 PhD in Medical Sciences, focus Statistical Genetics and Genetic Epidemiology, Uppsala University, Sweden
2022 – Post doc. Stockholm University and Wageningen University and Research